Last year one of my earliest blog posts was of our visit to the 2012
Sand Sculpture Festival. We took advantage of the sunny morning on Bank Holiday Monday and ventured out to the sea front to visit the festival this year. There has been all sorts of reports locally of how the bad weather has had a really negative impact on the longevity of the sculptures this year and many have had to be repaired.
Despite this, we really enjoyed our visit - it's really fascinating to see all the sculptures various artists come up with and what they are inspired by within a theme.

The theme was Hollywood for the 2013 Sand Festival.
...This was by far my favourite sculpture this year. Just look at the detail in those eyes. They seem to capture such animosity!
The littlie's favourite was this Batman and Hulk sculpture.
It was fantastically detailed and enormous! Poor Hulk is really getting a bashing from the wind as well as Batman!!
But then - just look at the size of King Kong! You can see bits of damage to the sculpture around his face but he remained extremely impressive in reality.

A large area was dominated by characters from Harry Potter!
Jaws was a little scary ;0)
And Gollum added another 'Baddie' to the mix. The face and eyes are so expressive - and just look at those fingernails!

The children enjoyed a number of the cartoon themed sculptures - Sid from Ice Age and Toy Story 3 above. Little B found it funny that the bad teddy (sorry - forgot his name) had a bird 'doo doo' on his head. Karma I guess ;0)
ET was phoning home too...
The Titanic was sinking into the sand - I so wanted to do the cliched "I'm King of the World" pose but wasn't brave enough to do so in front of the throngs of people that were also viewing the sculptures!
A Velociraptor took centre stage in a sculpture comprising lots of different elements from Jurassic Park.
There were lots of other sculptures too - James Bond, Clint Eastwood, Darth Vader and a sand sculpted Hollywood sign to name but a few so all in all...
Despite all my efforts, due to half term holidays and my Big Girl being off school with a chest infection this week I am behind on my blog posting! Hey ho - In June I celebrate the first anniversary of this blog and am about to launch the Carry It Forward (although I'm majorly intimidated to offer my home made goodies to you talented people!) So please do watch out for those posts as I'd love you to participate!
Thanks for reading,
J9 x
Today I'm sharing in these fab parties!