Apologies for the longest break I've taken from cyber space since starting this blog. This was partially because life has gotten in the way and partially because reality has Not been too pretty here of late. That and electricity, telephone and internet cables being cut accidentally at various points over the last month!
Don't get me wrong - it's mainly good stuff happening in our home. Just messy, dusty, exhaustingly dirty and energy sapping StuFf. Progress on the home front is GReAt though. The walls (in photograph below) are being plastered (at this very moment) and we hope within a fortnight to reclaim the house from the builders. Below you can see our new hallway and front door - now to the side of the house. All those boxes have been there for 5 days now - my new kitchen. The knowledge of this 'potential kitchen loveliness' is the only reason I didn't pull my hair out when I stubbed my toe for the hundredth time!!
The whole building experience has been a combination of awful and wonderful moments. It's not a pretty reality but the space is really taking shape.
To escape from the clutter in my home - and my mind, I've been purposely seeking joy in Simple Things.
# These gladioli were in a reduced bucket at the local corner store and have provided so much pleasure in my make shift kitchen.
# Purchases from the charity shop - lovely pastel pots and some gorgeous lemon Pyrex lidded pots! Not sure what I'll use them for but my goodness I love them!

I have been creative over the past month - not much baking (due to lack of kitchen!) but other creative efforts which I hope to share next time.
Apologies for being behind on my blog reading too - I've had so little opportunity but can't wait to catch up on what's been happening in your part of the world!
Thanks for reading,
J9 x