Friday, 9 May 2014

I just came by to say 'Hello!'

Hello Lovely People!

Just popping by very briefly to say normal service will resume shortly!  Apologies for the extended gap since my last post - things have been out of their norm over the past couple weeks and we are finding a new comforting rhythm in our home.  As I did mention in my last post, I was experiencing an unusually strong urge for rest.  It turned out that my rheumatoid arthritis was going into a flare phase.  This is the third significant flare phase I've had where the small joints in my feet and hands especially have been badly affected.  But as I've previously learnt...I've been kind to myself, giving myself the time to recover.

I've read a lot of books - both crafty and very enjoyable novels... and read lots with the Littlie's.  I've painted a bit and pottered.  I've rearranged some simple displays and enjoyed my home.  I've not been able to crochet, drive or type as my hands (especially my right one) have been really painful and weak.  Things are improving and the medication I take when in flare has really helped to bring it under control and all is good. The break from routine has shown me that I need to take more time to potter at home at a more relaxed pace.

I have so much to share (pretty, creative and nurturing in nature) and so many blogs to catch up on.  I'm back and ready to share my Simple Things. Happy Weekend folks,

J9 x


  1. I'm glad you are starting to recover, I hope it continues for you. Have a good weekend.

  2. Hi Janine,

    Wishing you a speedy and complete recovery.... Glad you find meaningful things to do while you rest. I haven't read in like ages. Gosh I'm going to pick up some books this weekend.... Happy mother's day to you!


  3. Oh, janine. I'm sorry you've been unwell. It sounds very difficult. I hope you're feeling better soon. I'm glad you've been able to relax and do creative things while you recover.

  4. Sorry to hear about this, but glad to know that you are returning to your usual self. Keep taking care and relaxing and no worries about blogging - that is the last thing to worry about! Your photos of the flowers are beautiful, so I hope that you have been able to sit back and enjoy the real thing! xx

    1. Bless you all for your kind words!! I'm doing much better thank you - taking the good with the not so good! A change of routine has shown me I;d started to push myself again and despite my meaning to pace my body in its new condition, I'd snuck back into bad habits of overcompensating and pleasing everyone to the detriment of my health!! Anyway, best wishes to you all and be kind to yourselves! J9 x

  5. I sure there must be something in the water as my hubby has been going through a flare up too, take time to rest and listen to what your body is telling you xx
