Friday, 3 October 2014

Oddie - A Moshi Monster Birthday Cake

With the start of September came the ninth birthday of our firstborn.  Our gorgeous girl celebrated at home in the morning and then went to a friend's birthday party in the afternoon!!  It was a little strange for us grown ups to join someone else's birthday on her actual day but it was her choice to go and the kiddies had great fun!

Regular readers of this blog will know that birthdays in this household are celebrated with homemade cakes.  With the absence of her own party tea (food was eaten at her friend's party!) we had a small celebratory lunch completed by our traditional rendition of Happy Birthday and blowing out of candles.

Little Lady is an avid collector / fan of Moshi Monsters.  Lots of our play is centred around them whether it is pretend play or craft.  So the request for the birthday cake could only be one such character!  The Moshling of choice was Oddie (a donut shaped monster with big eyes and little legs).  Mmmm I thought, not too tricky... so ta dah!!

I made a double batch of sponge batter, divided it into two and added cocoa powder to one of the mixes.  When spooning it in I alternated the different batters and then smoothed it to create a 'marble' cake.  I didn't have a special tin with a hole in the middle so simply put an empty washed tin in the centre of a round tin and voila - it did the job tremendously!

Once covered with butter icing I simply mixed the colours of fondant icing and Oddie came to life quite quickly.  I was a little disappointed with his eyes as they cracked as they dried but the overall look was quite effective and Little Lady was delighted.  Add a little edible glitter and all was well with the world!

It was eaten ridiculously quickly and was much enjoyed!  Little Lady has a couple of friends over at the end of October to celebrate her special day - there's been so much ill health in this household we needed a few quiet weekends to restore some energy before and thus we hope to be thoroughly regenerated for her celebrations when they do eventually happen!

The cake hit the spot though!

J9 x


  1. Happy Birthday to your daughter! The cake is fabulous!!!! You really are so clever, lovely too to see a photo of all you all smiling and happy. xx

    1. Thanks Amy - you are very kind. This was shortly before my health took a down turn but I'm recovering well now thankfully. Thanks for your cyber hugs recently! J9 x
